Visual Art
Nurturing Zhonghuarians to be
passionate artists in pursuit of artistic excellence;
dynamic and resilient leaders in the artistic arena with a passion for innovation in fine arts, design, and digital media; and
cultured and caring citizens with a global outlook, developing relevant artistic, design and media skills, and capacities for the 21st-century economy.
Key Programme
Visual Art Curriculum
The lower secondary Visual Art curriculum aims to develop visual literacy
skills. At the end of the 2-year art studies, students acquire the basic
skills in art-making as well as the knowledge to discern and understand
the roles of art in our society. Students, who have an inclination towards
art, are encouraged to continue the Art studies at upper secondary, when
they gain a deeper understanding and further hone their art-making skills.
The key objective of the Zhonghua Art programme is to develop in students
their own voice, expressing visually their thoughts, ideas and feelings
about their experiences and issues around them. The Upper Secondary Visual
Art curriculum is offered to all streams.
Art Elective Programme (AEP)
For more artistically inclined students, the 4-year Art Elective Programme
(AEP) is designed to stretch students to have a deeper understanding of
art from Sec 1. Through contextualised learning experiences, students learn
to apply their art skills to real-world issues and situations. This is
further underpinned by the theoretical knowledge of the development and
roles of art in different contexts of culture and time. Annually there
are camps, workshops and learning journeys for the AEP students.
To find out more about the AEP, visit the MOE Art Elective Programme website
at this URL: